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Thursday, March 11, 2010



For More answered questions about fruit flies go to our main website -

Since you’re going to eat your produce, you don’t want to use anything toxic obviously. Vendors like Gardens Alive! sell these soaps or you may find them at a garden center (Safer is a popular brand). You can make a spray fairly easily. Fill a clean spray bottle or garden sprayer with tap water and add a couple of squirts of a liquid soap (Ivory dish soap is my favorite, but any will do. Just don’t get one with a lot of additives). Douse the affected areas heavily---until the solution is dripping off, let sit briefly then hose off with clear water. The soap acts as a surfactant and clogs up the respiration of insects. It will also serve to wash off eggs.
You may have to repeat this process as you will get the visible insects but could get new hatchings. Just check your plants each day, remove cracked or discolored fruit (flys like a crack in a tomato as a place to congregate). Remember to wash produce thoroughly after harvest.

Diatomaceous Earth is a wonderful thing and it is not poison and it will not hurt your plants nor animals. You can read more about it here:

There really is nothing better.I am allergic to all stinging insects and have to now carry 2 Ana kits and this is just the best stuff to rid them too!

Read More Tips and Tricks to get rid of Fruit Flies - Here

also have a look at other fruit fly related pages :

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies Permanently

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies Permanently. There is nothing more hideously irritating then a fruit fly breakout. They dive-bomb your face, surround your food, relax on your furniture and cause bacteria to form on your food. They are also very hard to get rid of because they multiply so fast.

To get rid of fruit flies, make your first step getting rid of what attracts them: food in which they can breed. To get rid of fruit flies you must first destroy food sources and breeding grounds. You don't have to do something extreme, like burn an entire island and shed off all that remains of your humanity, to get rid of fruit flies. Getting rid of fruit flies requires patience and the right extermination techniques.

Vinegar flies, also known as small fruit flies, commonly develop in over ripe or decaying fruit and vegetable matter. Vinegar traps will quickly wipe out an infestation of hundreds in the matter of one to two days if the traps are changed a couple times a day and the holes made so that flies or gnats go in and not out.

I've never had another problem with fruit flies since I started catching them this way.

Killing adult fruit flies will reduce infestation, but elimination of fruit fly breeding areas is necessary for good management. Get rid of the sources of the fruit fly infestation. Fruit fly infestations seem to happen overnight, here are some tips to prevent it from happening:

Try placing paper bags around each fruit growth to prevent fruit fly infestation

Tips:If you have an especially heavy infestation, set out a fruit fly trap in a small room with the light left on overnight.

Here are some inexpensive ways to get rid of fruit flies and to keep those flying monsters away for good. Find out How Here..........

Fighting fruit fly males

In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, fighting is observed among males as well as females. This movie shows a key feature of male aggression: the lunge. While lunging, the attacking male raises up on his hind legs. He then snaps down on its opponent, whom he tries to grab with his forelegs, thereby reaching accelerations of approx. 30 m /sec2. If successful, he holds on while the attacked fly tries to escape. Hoyer et al., Current Biology 18(3), 159-167.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fruit Flies Like a Banana Game - Play Fun Trivia Quiz

The humble fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is a fascinating little creature beloved by students of genetics and hated by wine drinkers. See what you know not all of these questions need specialised knowledge! - trivia quiz game. Play now!

"What did Palin say about fruit flies that was ignorant?"

"What did Palin say about fruit flies that was ignorant?"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ways to Eliminate Fruit Flies

Ever wondered how to get rid of fruit flies? It's not always easy to get rid of fruit flies, but the right strategy will help eliminate fruit flies for goodRead more at : Ways to Eliminate Fruit Flies

Tired of annoying fruit flies? Those who answer "yes" are not alone. Many kitchens have been invaded by annoying fruit flies and more than a few picnics ruined by their unwanted presence. Tenacious and frustratingly resilient, fruit flies are the source of much displeasure.
What Causes Fruit Flies?
Fruit flies are brownish-yellow, red-eyed, winged insects. They are tiny, and yet they make their presence known. Fruit flies thrive on...well...fruit, though they are fond of a variety of foods. And they can smell food at great distances and can invade one's home through just about any crack in the house.
Known as Drosophilae, fruit flies are considered the "model organism" for their benefits to scientific research. They share biological similarities with other species (including humans), offering researchers many opportunities to advance scientific knowledge. Indeed, fruit flies are being used currently to help scientists study brain cancer.
Ways to Eliminate Fruit Flies
Of course, most people who encounter fruit flies are not conducting medical or scientific research. They just want their homes back. So, how can a home owner or family get rid of fruit flies?
The addage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" applies here. The best way to eliminate fruit flies is to make it undesirable for them to come in the first place. Here are a few ways to keep one's home free of fruit flies:Read more at : Ways to Eliminate Fruit Flies

Keep the kitchen sink clean! Wash all dishes. Clear the drains. Keep the dish rags clean.
Watch that Trash Can! First, keep that trash can covered. An opened trash can is an open invitation to all kinds of unwanted pests. So, keep it closed. Also, don't just throw food (half-finished dinner, discarded fruit, etc.) into the trash can. Use the garbage disposal or double (even triple) bag your food, before putting it in the waste basket.
Clear the Counters! Don't leave fruit, vegetables, and other foods out in the open on the counter. It may look pretty, but it also attracts fruit flies. Use containers. Those who like the look of fruit on the counter can invest in artificial fruit decorations. Don't let unwashed dishes or half-finished dinner plates pile up on the counters either.
Keep the refrigerator clean and the seals secure. Pay attention to the top and under the fridge. Fruit flies love refrigerators.
Keep the stove and dishwasher clean.
For those who like a more aggressive "take the fight to them" approach, here are a few additional options:
Suck'em Up! Take a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment and target those buggers! The suction process will take care of them. And it may provide a dose of personal satisfaction.
Traps -- Rather than the fruit flies popping up where they are not wanted, homeowners can influence and even redirect the fruit flies via traps. One possible trap is the good ole oven! Clean the entire kitchen, leaving everything secure and covered - except for a nice, juicy piece of ripe fruit in the open oven! Leave it that way overnight. In the morning, close the door. Turn on the oven - and bake 'em! There are other traps one can try. If interested, search the Internet for more clever ideas.
Fruit flies are indeed a pain, but they don't have to win. With the right strategy, especially one geared toward prevention, home owners can turn the tables and eliminate fruit flies from their homes.Read more at : Ways to Eliminate Fruit Flies

FruitFly Game

Use your mouse to flip over the fruit tiles trying to avoid the fruit flies. For each tile you flip over that has no fruit flies you will be awarded $1,000,000.

In the normal game there is no time limit. Take as long as you need to avoid the fruit flies. If you can find all of the fruit fly free tiles first then you win.

In the timed game you only have 30 seconds to find the fruit fly free tiles.