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Friday, March 5, 2010

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies the Fun Way

How Do I Get Rid of Fruit Flies (and have fun at the same time)?

Ok, there are many ways of getting rid of these flies. Some people swear by one method, while others will use another way. Eventually, you will get rid of them if you remove the source of their food, namely the fruit.

However, no one says you can't have any fun getting rid of those annoying fruit flies.

Killing Fruit Flies The Fun Way #1

The Vacuum

I take perverse pleasure in vacuuming up those fruit flies. By far this is the easiest way I have found. Not only is it the fastest way, but it's alot of fun.

Killing Fruit Flies The Fun Way #2

The Oven

The next best method is to trap them. Now there are many kinds of fruit fly traps that you can make, or buy, but the most fun way to trap them is to use the oven!

That's right, trap them in the oven, turn it on and watch them fizzle!

Killing Fruit Flies The Fun Way #3

The Hair Dryer

Thirdly, another great way of having fun while killing fruit flies is the hair dryer method!

Don't try to blow hot air on them, that doesn't work. What you need to do is to put the air intake part of the hair dryer near the fruit flies. They will get sucked in and fried at the same time!

Killing Fruit Flies The Fun Way #4


Just point and shoot. This method doesn't necessarily kill the fly, but it will make their wings stiff so you can collect them them easily.

Killing Fruit Flies The Fun Way #5


That right, spray some Windex on to the fruit fly infestation and watch those suckers croak. Not the best way, or the most fun way, but it works.

Now finally, if you are not in the mood to have fun, you can get rid of fruit flies in 5 mins with this 1 easy trick - click here

Lastly, for those of you 'don't want to kill' and have pity on those poor ugly fruit flies. I mean, after all it is your fault that the fruit flies are there right. if you had eaten the fruit on time, but I digress.

Here's a nonviolent way of removing the fruit flies from your house for those of you pacifist types. click here

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